Roller foot, Yuvarlak ayak, Gizli fermuar ayaği – Инструкция по эксплуатации SINGER Brilliance 6160

Страница 65: Роликовая лапка, Лапка для потайной молнии

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When sewing leather, suede, plastic and velvet, fit the

roller foot to aid the smooth flow of fabric. However,

especially when sewing softer leather and suede, better

results may be achieved by using the normal zigzag foot.

С п о м о щ ь ю р о л и к о в о й л а п к и В ы м о ж е т е с

легкостью работать с такими материалами, как

кожа, замша, синтетика и бархат, получая ровный

и красивый шов. Однако при шитье мягкой кожи и

замши лучшие результаты могут быть достигнуты с

применением обычной прижимной лапки.

Deri, süet, plastik ve kadife dikerken kumaşın akışına yardımcı

olması için yuvarlak ayağı kullanın. Ancak, özellikle yumuşak

deri veya süet dikerken normal zig-zag dikiş ayağı kullanılarak

daha iyi sonuçlar elde edilebilir.

6. 6199/6180 ONLY

6. 6199/6180 ТОЛЬКО

6. 6199/6180 SADECE




T h e I n v i s i b l e Z i p p e r F o o t p r o v i d e s a

concealed closing on a variety of garments

and accessories. It is commonly seen on the

side or back of skirts and dresses.

Machine Preparation

• Attach Invisible Zipper Foot

• Set machine to Straight Stitch

• Set stitch length to medium

• Make sure needle position is lined up

1. Open zipper by pulling down on the slider and

pull tab located at the top of the zipper.

2. Working on the right side of the fabric, baste the

zipper face down along the seam edge of the

right-hand side of garment. The teeth or coils of

the zipper lay toward the interior of the seam.

3. Line up the teeth (coils) of the zipper with the

right groove of the zipper foot. The needle will

penetrate the tape of the zipper alongside the

teeth (or coils).

4. Sew from top to bottom of the seam as far as

possible, backstitching at the beginning and end

of the seam.

5. To sew the other side of the zipper, flip the

zipper over twice to the left and then line up

the tape of the opposite side of the zipper

along the seam edge of the left-hand side of

the project.

6. Line up the teeth of the zipper with the left

groove of the zipper foot.

7. Sew from top to bottom of the seam as far as

possible, backstitching at the beginning and

end of the seam.

8. Close the zipper.

9. Remove the Invisible Zipper Foot and replace

it with the regular Zipper Foot.

10. Sew a 5/8'' seam all the way down to the

bottom of the seam, starting as close to the

zipper as possible.
